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The team eventing of Equestrian 2020 during the 2020 Summer Olympics was held on 30 July-2 August 2021 in the Tokyo Equestrian Park. With 15 teams competing, the event was won by the team from Great Britain, with Australia taking the silver medal and France taking bronze.


The competition exists out of three different disciplines of equestrian. All athletes participate in the dressage, the cross-country, and the jumping disciplines, with the team with the lowest combined number of penalties after three disciplines winning the event.


Fifteen teams qualified for the event with plenty of medal contenders. France was the denfending Olympic champion, having beaten Germany and Australia for the gold medal, while Brazil, New Zealand, Ireland, and Italy were also among the good teams in the field.

Team Athlete
Australia Andrew Hoy
Kevin McNab
Shane Rose
Brazil Marcio Appel Cheuiche
Rafael Mamprin Losano
Carlos Parro
Marcelo Tosi
China Bao Yingfeng
Hua Tian Alex
Sun Huadong
France Karim Florent Laghouag
Christopher Six
Nicolas Touzaint
Germany Sandra Auffarth
Michael Jung
Julia Krajewski
Great Britain Laura Collett
Tom McEwen
Oliver Townend
Ireland Sarah Ennis
Austin O'Connor
Sam Watson
Italy Susanna Bordone
Vittoria Panizzon
Arianna Schivo
Japan Ryuzo Kitajima
Yoshiaki Oiwa
Toshiyuki Tanaka
Kazuma Tomoto
New Zealand Jesse Campbell
Jonelle Price
Tim Price
Poland Malgorzata Cybulska
Jan Kaminski
Joanna Pawlak
Sweden Sara Algotsson Ostholt
Louise Romeike
Ludwig Svennerstal
Therese Viklund
Switzerland Eveline Bodenmuller
Robin Godel
Melody Johner
Felix Vogg
Thailand Arinadtha Chavatanont
Weerapat Pitakanonda
Korntawat Samran
United States Phillip Dutton
Boyd Martin
Doug Payne



Dressage Results
Rank Team Penalties
1 Great Britain Great Britain 78.30
2 Germany Germany 80.40
3 New Zealand New Zealand 86.40
4 Japan Japan 90.10
5 Sweden Sweden 91.10
6 Australia Australia 93.40
7 China China 93.60
8 United States United States 94.60
9 France France 95.10
10 Switzerland Switzerland 99.20
11 Brazil Brazil 103.60
12 Poland Poland 104.60
13 Ireland Ireland 110.40
14 Thailand Thailand 113.10
15 Italy Italy 115.40


Cross-Country Results
Rank Team Penalties
1 Great Britain Great Britain 0.00
2 France France 2.00
3 Australia Australia 2.80
4 United States United States 14.80
5 Italy Italy 17.40
6 New Zealand New Zealand 17.60
7 Germany Germany 33.80
8 Ireland Ireland 50.60
9 China China 92.00
10 Switzerland Switzerland 212.20
11 Brazil Brazil 231.60
12 Japan Japan 232.40
13 Poland Poland 258.00
14 Thailand Thailand 600.00
15 Sweden Sweden 620.00
Standings after Cross-Country
Rank Nation Dressage Cross-Country Total
1 Great Britain Great Britain 78.30 0.00 78.30
2 Australia Australia 93.40 2.80 96.20
3 France France 95.10 2.00 97.10
4 New Zealand New Zealand 86.40 17.60 104.00
5 United States United States 94.60 14.80 109.40
6 Germany Germany 80.40 33.80 114.20
7 Italy Italy 115.40 17.40 132.80
8 Ireland Ireland 110.40 50.60 161.00
9 China China 93.60 92.00 185.60
10 Switzerland Switzerland 99.20 212.20 311.40
11 Japan Japan 90.10 232.40 322.50
12 Brazil Brazil 103.60 231.60 335.20
13 Poland Poland 104.60 258.00 362.60
14 Sweden Sweden 91.10 620.00 711.10
15 Thailand Thailand 113.10 600.00 713.10


Jumping Results
Rank Team Penalties
1 Germany Germany 0.00
2 Australia Australia 4.00
3 France France 4.40
4 Great Britain Great Britain 8.00
5 Italy Italy 12.00
6 New Zealand New Zealand 12.40
7 Ireland Ireland 16.00
8 United States United States 16.40
9 China China 24.00
10 Switzerland Switzerland 28.00
11 Sweden Sweden 33.20
12 Japan Japan 36.00
13 Poland Poland 117.20
14 Brazil Brazil 128.40
15 Thailand Thailand 300.00
Standings after Jumping
Rank Nation Dressage Cross-Country Jumping Total
1 Great Britain Great Britain 78.30 0.00 8.00 86.30
2 Australia Australia 93.40 2.80 4.00 100.20
3 France France 95.10 2.00 4.40 101.50
4 Germany Germany 80.40 33.80 0.00 114.20
5 New Zealand New Zealand 86.40 17.60 12.40 116.40
6 United States United States 94.60 14.80 16.40 125.80
7 Italy Italy 115.40 17.40 12.00 144.80
8 Ireland Ireland 110.40 50.60 16.00 177.00
9 China China 93.60 92.00 24.00 209.60
10 Switzerland Switzerland 99.20 212.20 28.00 339.40
11 Japan Japan 90.10 232.40 36.00 358.50
12 Brazil Brazil 103.60 231.60 128.40 463.60
13 Poland Poland 104.60 258.00 117.20 479.80
14 Sweden Sweden 91.10 620.00 33.20 744.30
15 Thailand Thailand 113.10 600.00 300.00 1013.10


Result Nation Penalties
Gold Great Britain Great Britain 86.30
Silver Australia Australia 100.20
Bronze France France 101.50
4 Germany Germany 114.20
5 New Zealand New Zealand 116.40
6 United States United States 125.80
7 Italy Italy 144.80
8 Ireland Ireland 177.00
9 China China 209.60
10 Switzerland Switzerland 339.40
11 Japan Japan 358.50
12 Brazil Brazil 463.60
13 Poland Poland 479.80
14 Sweden Sweden 744.30
15 Thailand Thailand 1013.10
2020 Summer Olympic Games
Equestrian 2020
ā† 2016 2024 ā†’
Individual Team
Individual Team
Individual Team